As of March 2017 we only sell Restrung ribbons.

For now, please send in your used up OTC ribbons

cartridge and we will restring it with brand new ribbon.

Cost is $50.00 per cartridge + Shipping.

We are currently working on a replacement printer and

are almost at the beta testing stage.  If your company is interested in testing the new replacement printer, please email us and use "OTC Beta Test Printer" in the subject.

Stone Systems International, Inc  *  2326 Kruse Drive *  San Jose, CA 95131  *  Free: 1-800-289-9973  *  Local: (408) 382-9600  *  Fax: (408) 382-9601

Save your OTC Ribbon Cartridges

OTC no longer make new printer cartridges.  Save your old printer cartridges and we can have them restrung with brand new ribbon.

Apx. cost to restring your OTC used cartridge +Tax & Shipping.

OTC 560DL.............$50.00 each

OTC 700.................$50.00 each

OTC 850.................$50.00 each

OTC 850XL.............$50.00 each

OTC 888.................$50.00 each

OTC 889.................$50.00 each

OTC 4130...............$50.00 each

OTC 4140...............$50.00 each

OTC 1050...............$50.00 each

OTC 1450...............$50.00 each

Duraline..................$50.00 each

OTC 2140...............$65.00 each

OTC 2160...............$65.00 each

OTC 2180...............$65.00 each

OTC 4240...............$75.00 each

OTC 4260...............$75.00 each

OTC 4280...............$75.00 each